How to have a renewed mind and heart.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Romans 12:2


It seems like in this day and age conformity has become a normal part of growing up. We are always striving to fit in with whatever people say is cool or hip. Also often time’s people will gauge their self-worth by looking at how accepted they are by their peers. I believe that it is time we all take one giant step back and look at the bug picture of our life. Does the big picture of your life show a life centered around pursuing earthly things, or does the picture show I life lived in obedience to God and the calling he has placed in your life. I believe that the battle of living for God all starts with the thoughts that we let take up residency in our minds. Often times the thoughts we focus on the most end up becoming future actions and those future actions become our addictions, our habits, and even our idols. That’s why I believe we will only accomplish a life of obedience in Christ by allowing his word to renew our minds on a daily basis. I believe that the more time we spend in God’s word as well as communicating with him through prayer the easier it will be for us to clearly see and know what it is that God has in mind for us. If we let Gods word daily renew our minds and hearts then over time we will start to be able to test the things of this world and more clearly know if such things align with the will of the world or the perfect will of Christ.


Application questions

  1. Do I let Gods word renew my heart, mind and soul on a DAILY basis?
  2. What in my life needs to change so I can more clearly follow the Will and the plan God has placed on my life?


Father I pray that you would give me the strength to turn away from things of this world so that I can fully focus on your will. Father I pray that as I spend time in your word that you would reveal your plan for my life to me. Father I want to live a life that allows you to shine through me. Amen.

What is your big fear?

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 NIV


I see so many people in life today who are living in fear. There are so many different sources in our daily lives that can cause fear. The fear of making a deadline, the fear of that first date, the fear of wondering whether the bills will be paid or if there will be enough food left to survive another week. I think fear is a much bigger factor in our lives than it should be. In this verse God tells us not to fear because he is in control. Jesus wants to be our source of strength and peace through the hardships of life as well as in the great moments. I think our quality of life would be greatly improved if we could truly surrender all of our fears to the God that call us his children.



Application Question

  1. What is your biggest fear that you have not surrendered to God yet?



God help me to be able to trust you with ALL of the details that make up my life. God help me to be able to surrender my worries and fear to you. God I surrender all take me and mold me into the person you created me to be. Amen.