Ultimate Strength

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.



Gods brings up a promise several times throughout the bible that he will not leave us nor will he forsake us. That promise provides a strong sense of hope for me knowing that no matter who far I think I have strayed away that God will always be right there to help me back on the path. Some people have asked me how they can receive the strength of God in their own personal walk. The answer is rather simple all you have to do is draw near to God and he will draw near to you. How do you accomplish this you might ask? Becoming closer to god only happens when you make steps to encounter God in your daily life through the reading of your bible and time spent in prayer with him. So in the moments when you feel weak or feel like you just cant get out of a funk I would encourage you to turn to God and let the truths of his word become your strength to press on and face another day.


Application questions

  1. How much time during a regular week do I spend in prayer asking for Gods help?
  2. How much time do I spend reading my bible, seeking out the truths that God has for me?



Father thank you for your love. God I pray that you would be my strength in the coming week. Help me to press on no matter what obstacles I encounter in life. Thank you for your faithfulness God. Amen.

The Perfect Waiting Game

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.


1 PETER 5:6



I feel like this one of the harder verses to live out in our daily lives. Everything we do we want it done NOW and everything we want we want NOW. We live in a society of go-getters and self-doers when we should be a society that is okay with waiting on the Lord. Let me tell you from life experience that the Lords timing and will in our lives will always be perfect. God knows us way better than we know ourselves.   Now I am not saying that God will always give you what you think you want. God will always give according to the perfect will he has for your life. That is why we must be humble before God knowing that his ways and his timing will be perfect. God wants to take you to heights that you never knew existed in your life all you have to do is stay humble before him and allow his to work in you and through you.



God please give me the patience and the strength to trust in your will and your timing. God I pray that you guide and lead me through each day according to the unique and perfect will you have for me. God I love you so much and want to thank you for everything I have. Amen.

The most powerful of all the power tools we have.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17


There is not a whole lot that needs to be said about this verse really. ALL SCRIPTURE is God breathed (God Given) and is useful for many things in our lives. There is a verse in the bible that says that the word of the lord is sharper and more powerful than any double edged sword. So why then do we neglect to use it? Even I am guilty of not using my bible as much I should. I so often see great people being led astray in life because they are living based on what they think the bible says about certain things, rather than looking at what the bible really says. I think this world would be a completely different place if people would put aside their assumptions and really dig into the truths, and the instructions that God has given to us. The bible is one of the most printed and most widely distributed books of ALL TIME and yet for a lot of us it’s one of our fewest touched books. It’ just crazy to me that in this day and age when we can have access to the bible for free through apps on our phone or websites such as bible.com that the bible is still one of the least touched, and the least read books in the world.


This week I want to issue a challenge instead of giving you questions to think about. My challenge is for you to find 5-10 minutes at the least to spend reading and discovering the bible.  5-10 minutes that all if you don’t think you have the time I am want to make you aware of this a ten minute span of time is equal to 2 commercial breaks during your favorite TV show….Just 2 commercial breaks that all.



Father please help me to be able to find time to meditate on your word. Father I am sorry that I have allowed my bible to just sit on a shelf and collect dust. Father I pray that you show me the truths that you have laid out for me as I read through my bible this week. Amen.

How to have a renewed mind and heart.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Romans 12:2


It seems like in this day and age conformity has become a normal part of growing up. We are always striving to fit in with whatever people say is cool or hip. Also often time’s people will gauge their self-worth by looking at how accepted they are by their peers. I believe that it is time we all take one giant step back and look at the bug picture of our life. Does the big picture of your life show a life centered around pursuing earthly things, or does the picture show I life lived in obedience to God and the calling he has placed in your life. I believe that the battle of living for God all starts with the thoughts that we let take up residency in our minds. Often times the thoughts we focus on the most end up becoming future actions and those future actions become our addictions, our habits, and even our idols. That’s why I believe we will only accomplish a life of obedience in Christ by allowing his word to renew our minds on a daily basis. I believe that the more time we spend in God’s word as well as communicating with him through prayer the easier it will be for us to clearly see and know what it is that God has in mind for us. If we let Gods word daily renew our minds and hearts then over time we will start to be able to test the things of this world and more clearly know if such things align with the will of the world or the perfect will of Christ.


Application questions

  1. Do I let Gods word renew my heart, mind and soul on a DAILY basis?
  2. What in my life needs to change so I can more clearly follow the Will and the plan God has placed on my life?


Father I pray that you would give me the strength to turn away from things of this world so that I can fully focus on your will. Father I pray that as I spend time in your word that you would reveal your plan for my life to me. Father I want to live a life that allows you to shine through me. Amen.

The battle of heart and mind.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:8-9


One of the most common problems I see people struggling with today it the battle between mind and heart. Our hearts want to be pure but our minds….well they have other plans. I think this verse offers the answer to our struggle. We must shift the things that we think about by placing ourselves in situations where we are surrounded with things that are praiseworthy and true. Today’s culture and media is always pushing stuff in front of us. These things often steal our attention away from things of value. In order for us not only as humans but as Christians who have a true desire to be transformed by Christ and his word we must actively pursue the things of true eternal value and do our best to flee from things that attempt to knock us down or steal our attention. So next time you are out and about take a second to stop and think about what you are doing and where you are going and ask yourself is this the best choice for me to be making in this moment? If we make conscious effort to be pure we will be able to focus on growing in our relationship with the true king.


Application questions

  1. What forms of culture/media are you letting pull you away from the biblical truths that Christ has provided for us?
  2. What are some things you could do different of the course of your everyday life that will help you avoid the temptations that you struggle with?



Father I pray that you give me strength to combat the things of this earth that aim to distract me from a relationship with you. God I pray that you help me avoid the temptations of my heart and mind. Father I pray that you help me to focus on whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. Amen